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Introduction aux systèmes de dialogue

Quelques Références

Système orienté tâche

Compréhension (NLU)

  • Hahn et al., Comparing stochastic approaches to spoken language understanding in multiple languages. TALSP 2010. PDF
  • Yao et al., Spoken language understanding using long short-term memory neural networks. SLT 2014. PDF
  • Mesnil et al., Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding. TASLP 2015. PDF
  • Guo et al., Joint semantic utterance classification and slot filling with recursive neural networks. SLT 2014. PDF
  • Zhang et al., A Joint Model of Intent Determination and Slot Filling for Spoken Language Understanding. IJCAI 2016. PDF
  • Villaneau et Antoine, Categorials grammars used to partial parsing of spoken language. CG 2004. PDF
  • Galibert, pproaches and methodologies for automatic Question-Answering in an open-domain, interactive setup. PhD thesis, Paris Sud. 2009. PDF
  • Campillos Llanos et al., Managing Linguistic and Terminological Variation in a Medical Dialogue System. LREC 2016. PDF
  • Glass et al., Multilingual spoken-language understanding in the MIT Voyager system. Speech Communication 17, 1995. PDF

Compréhension contextuelle

  • Traum et Larsson, The information state approach to dialogue management. In “Current and new directions in discourse and dialogue”, Springer 2003.
  • Hori et al., Context sensitive spoken language understanding using role dependent lstm layers. Machine Learning for SLU Interaction NIPS 2015 Workshop 2015. PDF
  • Chen et al., End-to-End Memory Networks with Knowledge Carryover for Multi-Turn Spoken Language Understanding. Interspeech 2016. PDF

Gestionnaire de dialogue

  • Henderson, Machine learning for dialog state tracking: A review. Machine Learning in Spoken Language Processing Workshop, 2015. PDF
  • Larsson et Traum, Information state and dialogue management in the TRINDI dialogue move engine toolkit. Natural language engineering 6, 2000. PDF
  • Young et al., The hidden information state approach to dialog management. ICASSP, 2007. PDF
  • Thomson et Young, Bayesian update of dialogue state: A POMDP framework for spoken dialogue systems. CSL 24:4, 2010. PDF
  • Metallinou et al., Discriminative state tracking for spoken dialog systems. SIGDIAL, 2013. PDF
  • Henderson et al., Deep neural network approach for the dialog state tracking challenge. SIGDIAL, 2013. PDF
  • Young, Using POMDPs for dialog management. SLT, 2006. PDF
  • Sutton et Barto, Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT Press. PDF
  • Schatzmann et al., A survey of statistical user simulation techniques for reinforcement-learning of dialogue management strategies. The knowledge engineering review 21:2, 2006. PDF
  • Wen et al., A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System. EACL 2017. PDF
  • Williams et al., Hybrid Code Networks: practical and efficient end-to-end dialog control with supervised and reinforcement learning. ACL 2017. PDF


  • Rambow et al., Natural language generation in dialog systems. HLT 2001. PDF

  • Mairesse et al., Phrase-based statistical language generation using graphical models and active learning. ACL 2010. PDF

  • Dethlefs et al., Conditional Random Fields for Responsive Surface Realisation using Global Features. ACL, 2013. PDF

Dialogue conversationnel

  • Banchs et Li, {IRIS}: a chat-oriented dialogue system based on the vector space model. ACL 2012. PDF

  • Gandhe et Traum, Surface text based dialogue models for virtual humans. SigDial 2013. PDF

  • Lowe et al., The ubuntu dialogue corpus: A large dataset for research in unstructured multi-turn dialogue systems. SigDial 2015. PDF

  • Ameixa et al., {I} am your father: dealing with out-of-domain requests by using movies subtitles. IVA 2014. PDF

  • Nio et al., Developing non-goal dialog system based on examples of drama television. In: Natural {Interaction} with {Robots}, {Knowbots} and {Smartphones}, pp. 355–361. Springer. PDF



  • Bonneau-Maynard et al., Results of the French Evalda-Media evaluation campaign for literal understanding. LREC 2006. PDF
  • Dialog State Tracking Challenges Website
  • Schmitt et al., A parameterized and annotated spoken dialog corpus of the cmu let’s go bus information system. LREC, 2012. PDF

Méthodologie, expériences et systèmes orientés tâche

  • Dybkjaer et al., Evaluation and usability of multimodal spoken language dialogue systems. Speech Communication, 2004. PDF

  • Walker et al., Paradise: a framework for evaluating spoken dialogue agents. EACL, 1997. PDF
  • Hone et Graham, Towards a tool for the subjective assessment of speech system interfaces (sassi). Natural Language Engineering 6, 2000. PDF

  • Schmitt et al., WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions. LREC, 2010. PDF

  • Witt, A global experience metric for dialog management in spoken dialog systems. SemDial 2011. PDF

  • Higashinaka et al., Towards taxonomy of errors in chat-oriented dialogue systems. SigDial 2015. PDF

Méthodologie pour systèmes conversationnels

  • Liu et al., How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System: An Empirical Study of Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Dialogue Response Generation. EMNLP 2016. PDF

  • Dubuisson Duplessis et al., Purely Corpus-based Automatic Conversation Authoring. LREC, 2016. PDF

  • Charras et al., Comparing System-response Retrieval Models for Open-domain and Casual Conversational Agent. In WOCHAT workshop, IVA, 2016. PDF

  • Lowe et al., Towards an Automatic Turing Test: Learning to Evaluate Dialogue Responses. ACL 2017. PDF

  • Dubuisson Duplessis et al., Utterance Retrieval based on Recurrent Surface Text Patterns. ECIR 2017. PDF

En lien avec le projet

  • Athavale et al., Towards Deep Learning in Hindi NER: An approach to tackle the Labelled Data Scarcity. ICON 2016. PDF
  • Lavergne et al., Practical very large scale CRFs. ACL 2010 PDF

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